Friday, October 15, 2010

Central Park 2: The Reckoning

This is Don and Adam. Aren't they pointy?

Two different men, two different pointing fingers. 

All right, so back to the virtual tour of Central Park.

I really liked this next part that you're about to see. I didn't know what I was walking into, I just heard the singing and hit record. And now you get to enjoy it exactly as I experienced it.

Awesome, right?
OK, then we walked out of there and found ourselves here:

Those lilly pads are the only unused surface in the entire park. 
It's Bethesda Fountain! Isn't it pretty? Here's a wide shot that some professional took:

Copyright 2004. Impressive.
That pond back there was chock full of tourists in boats. No one tipped over that I saw, but Adam said he once watched a couple totally flip their boat and then start screaming at each other, each accusing the other one of ruining their vacation. He said it was hilarious and sad. It made me think of you and Mike Christie on that ridiculous canoe trip we took down the Russian River so long ago. You guys were more fun about your flipping over, probably because you had more Budweiser in you.

And finally, my proudest achievement of the day:

I screamed out loud.
This was taken as we were walking around the reservoir. You know, the place Dustin Hoffman jogs around in the beginning of The Marathon Man? Click on the link below for a reminder.

Please note: They've decommissioned it as a true reservoir, probably due to rats or bad vibes, so that chain-link fence isn't around it anymore. Now they have that black wrought iron gate that reminds one of Halloween. Much in the same way that man's pants remind one of Valentine's Day. Or Pizza Hut.

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