Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Sunday Guilt Edition

Oh, hi Dad! How's it going? Good, good. Me? I'm just blogging to you on my blog. You know, the way you like.

First of all, Go Giants!

Is one of these guys Barry Bonds?
I didn't get to see any of that game, but I hear it turned out well.
I spent the day on 110th and Broadway, shooting man-on-the-street stuff for the show. In the business, we call it MOS. That stands for Man On Street. We feel the "the" is unnecessary in the shortened version. Makes it take too long.

Turns out, we were shooting a block away from the cathedral of St. John the Divine. After lunch, Page took me and our two APs Hannah and Tennile (yes, she was named after Captain and Tennile) down there to look at it while the crew was setting up the shot. AP is short for Assistant Producer. That's the person who assists the producer.

So, here's what it looked like when we first saw it from a block away...

What's all the fuss about?
Then you get up to it...

That double decker tour bus really adds to the majesty.
Then you go inside...

There was a wedding ceremony taking place while we were in there, so we couldn't go up near the altar area, but we could hear everything they were saying. The acoustics were great! I could barely keep from belting out a few bars of 'Jesus Light of All the World'.

After the shoot, we walked across the Columbia campus, which was also just a couple blocks away. That's where Page went to college, so she gave me the tour, which consisted of her pointing to buildings and explaining how much better Columbia is than NYU. Enlightening.

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